12 Features of Mass Communication

Mass communication is a process through which a message is widely circulated among the persons who are far and away from the source. Basically, it is the communication of communicating to mass people.
mass communication

Mass communication can be identified through the following characteristics:

1. Wide and Vast Area
Mass communication covers wide and vast area to operate, for example, It covers a country and the whole world too. World is becoming smaller due to operation of mass communication.

2. Heterogeneous Audience
Audience of mass communication are not only large in numbers but also are different in terms of age, sex,  religion, race, culture etc.

3. Distance between Source and Destination
Receivers of mass communication are detached and separated from the original source or sender by a long distance.

4. No Question of Discrimination
Although the receivers of mass communication are subject to heterogeneity but there is no discrimination regarding distribution and delivery of message. There is equal opportunity for all.

5. Professional Communication
The sender of mass communication are professional communicators. They use various mass communication channels to attain their purposes.

6. Absence of Feedback
It is not as like as two way communication system. Absence of features in mass communication which make it unique and give a shape from other shorts of communication.  Feedback is essential to make effective communication. Here in mass communication feedback like other sorts of communication is absent. There may be sometimes poor response from the receiver.

7. Intermediary Channels
In mass communication, various intermediary channels are used to transmit message to the receiver. such channels are radio, television, or newspapers etc.

8. Public Message
Message of such communication are made available to public. The person who has the ability to bear the cost of respective medium such as news paper, radio, television, cinema etc. can receive the message.

9. Use of Machine
Such communication has dependency to the use of technology or machinery. At least one or more than one machine is used in the purpose of mass communication to produce and transmit public message.

10.Self-defined Audience
The audiences of mass communication are independent in respect of receiving message. They have the freedom to choose what paper to read, what movie to see, what program to watch and which voice to listen.

11. Use of Specialists
To make mass communication effective various specialists are there to perform such as news team, film company, machine operators, cinematographer, an editor etc.

12. Rapid Means of Communication
Mass communication is defined to be rapid means of communication. It spreads quickly to the mass audience through reproduction and distribution.

From the above point, it might be seen that all the features of mass communication indicates to the importance of mass communication also. But sometimes, it is costly too. But objectives of mass communication naturally mass worth mentionable.