Delegation of Authority and Responsibility of Leader

Since a leader is a human, No leader can complete all tasks with accuracy alone maintaining the leadership on one hand. Nevertheless, It is not possible to complete all the tasks by one person. For this reason, To achieve organizational goals, which tasks should be done those are divided among other qualified and experienced persons of organization. Although all members of a team work together, but the success and the failure both goes to on the behalf of the leader.

Business Communication

Communication acts as bridge to exchange feelings, ideas, information with one person to another person. Simply, when communication applies in business purpose, It can be defined as business communication. Normally, business communication is nothing new concept.

What is the Relation between Motivation and Morale

Motivation and morale both are subject to mental feelings. But they are strongly related to each other. We know that motivation is such a technique which is the process of creating and increasing inspiration or intention to work or job of an worker or employee. On the other side, Morale is the mental strength. Mental strength for a work is called as Morale. If the mental strength is high and strong then it is called high Morale. On the contrary, If the mental strength is low and week then it is called low morale.