Purpose of The Graphic and Visual Communication

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  • Purpose of Visual Communication System
  • Objective of Visual Communication System
There are a lot of objectives of visual communication system.
Planning is 50 percent of any job or task you undertake. When you are making a written or an oral presentation, it's important to plan all graphic and visual aids. Your planning will focus on your purposes.

visual communication

There are basically four reasons to use graphic and visual aids.

1. To support your presentation, to back up what you are saying. These aids will bring attention to the information you are presenting orally or in the body of written report.

2. To clarify the meaning of  your discussion, oral or written, providing more information can clear up any misconceptions your audience may have.

3. To gain or regain, your audience's attention on important points; because graphic or visual aids can wake up an audience that has been listening or reading for an extended period.

4. To add variety to your written or oral presentation. Listening to the same voice or reading long pages of text can be very boring.

It has often been said that a picture is worth a thousand words. This is true of graphs, chart and other graphic and visual aids. 
When a reader's or listener's attention begins to exit, a graphic or visual aid can bring that attention back again. 
Such devices force mental participation whether they add information, and meaning to the concept, or clear up misconceptions the audience may have derived from the information presented to that point.

The purposes of your aids will vary according to the presentation, the subject matter, and the audience involved. 
For example, an engineer speaking to a group of colleagues might use highly scientific charts and graphs to  clarify his points. 
That same engineer speaking to group of garden club members may find that his audience can not interpret the data on these same charts and graphs.

By clearly defining the purposes of your aids, you will provide relevant support to your presentation. Thus your purpose of graphic and visual communication turn into to be succeeded.