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- Definition of Market Report
- Meaning of Market Report
Businessmen should know the demand of customer or consumer for proper marketing of goods or services. Hence, There is the need of market report.
A market report reflects the market condition in terms of product or service. That's why It is one kind of business report.
In other words, A market report states about a product or service considering price level, demand and supply, nature of transaction and market trend of such product or service.
Different authors have defined Market Report on their aspects:
According to M.A. Lorenzo, "A market report is an index to business condition prevailing in a particular market at a specified period or on a fixed day."
Another Scholar quoted as " A market report is the publication of records of business transactions over a specified period."
So, market report is a statement regarding the purchase and sale, demand and supply, price level, market trend, nature of transaction of a particular product or service.
A market report usually includes→
♣Demand of the products
♣Supply of the products
♣Nature of the products
♣Nature of trading
♣Price of the products
♣Method of the transactions
♣Stock of the products etc.
♣Supply of the products
♣Nature of the products
♣Nature of trading
♣Price of the products
♣Method of the transactions
♣Stock of the products etc.
So, we can conclude, The report which is written of the basis of the transactions of a definite market at a specific period or on a day is called market report.