5 Extraordinary Advantages of Visual Communication

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  • Advantages of Visual Communication System 
  • Benefits of Visual Communication System

Visual communication is one kind of non-verbal communication. In most of the cases visual communication takes place as a complement to make it most fruitful and effective communication
Visual Communication

Visual communication bears some advantages which justifies its presence in our practical life.

1. Effectiveness: Person who is illiterate can not be communicated using written media. But graphs, figures, pictures or chart can be used to communicate with such person.

2. Importance: To make analytical and technical subjects more clear to the audience, visual communication is second to none. e.g. An analysis of price of a product and respective demand can be explained in terms of graphs and charts.

3. Less Time: Higher officials or executives have less time to go through details. They can be more familiar if they are communicated in terms of visual communication.

4. Prompt Decision: To make decision quickly, top management relies on various tables, graphs, charts, figures and maps. So, timely decision is possible if visual communication is there.

5. Complementary: In many situation, visual communication is used as a complimentary tool to written communication. 
For example, analytical report, technical report or feasibility report are the best example using written communication and visual communication both. 

Actually, visual matters or subjects make a permanent effect in the mind of an audience. Therefore, visual communication is widely used for its added advantages. 
For the above described advantages of visual communication, it creates value to its users.