Business Environment - Definition & Meaning Explanation

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  • Meaning of Business Environment
  • Definition of Business Environment
  • Explanation of Business Environment

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Business Environment: Before understanding business environment, firstly we should know about the meaning of environment. Because, the term business environment is consisted of two different words. One is the business and another is the environment. 

Environment is the surrounding conditions of something in which the thing is grown or operated its functions. 

Business means doing something which keep one busy in a profitable way. 

So, by above discussion, we define business environment easily. It is the surrounding conditions of a business organization in which the organization operates its functions

The business environment can be classified in two. One is the enteral business environment and another is the external business environment. 

In marketing language, the enteral business environment is called as the micro environment and the external business environment is called as the macro environment.

Knowing & understanding properly the environment has a vital role in the way of operating the business organization successfully.